
Spring arrives


Flowers are blossoming, the bees have broken from their cluster and flyers are foraging for pollen to herald the start of a new season. All our hives made it successfully through the winter and we are gearing up for a busy six months of honey production but you don't have to wait... stocks of blossom and heather honey are still available.

Pentland honey: the perfect Christmas gift


All our 2022 heather and blossom honey has been extracted and the bees are now bedded down for the winter. It’s been another good season with the bees being as productive as ever. Both the blossom and heather honey taste amazing and are already hitting the market with good feedback all round. The 1lb jars make an excellent Christmas present or alternative dinner party gift, while the 1/2lb jars are wonderful stocking fillers.

Spring blossom honey now in


After a quiet winter, our bees have enjoyed the recent warm, dry weather and provided us with some spring blossom honey which is now available. Clearer and runnier than late summer blossom honey due to the seasonal flowers that the bees have been foraging on, it retains a dark golden colour and still packs a great taste.

Great Taste Awards 2020


We are delighted that our Blossom and Heather Honey both received one-star
awards this year in the The Great Taste Awards 2020, one of the most prestigious food
awards in the UK. We were particularly pleased given that this is the first time we
have entered the awards.

Judges described our blossom honey as having ‘a deeply floral aroma with hints of
bee and hive...fresh and herbal, with hints of bitter herb to compliment and a salinity
that adds a further layer of flavour... a simple and delicious honey’.

Judges described our heather honey as ‘a lovely deep golden colour characterises
this heather rich honey….a really pleasing texture and this sweet aromatic honey
finishes on an interesting savoury note, lending versatility and balance’.

New website


Pentland Honey's new website has arrived! More content will be added during the forthcoming weeks but we are delighted to announce our products to everyone.